Volunteer Spotlight: Don Grant

Here's an alt tag for the image: Smiling man in cowboy hat.

Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Edmonton but Calgary feels like home.

What do you do?
I am a retired firefighter and currently, I am a contract trainer for health and safety.

What do you do when you aren’t working or volunteering?
White water kayaking, mountain climbing, snowshoeing, bike riding and adventure motorcycle.

Why did you volunteer at ROARR?
I worked with youth in Edmonton and was missing it so I was looking for a place to volunteer and found ROARR. I discovered that I love working with seniors and horses as well. What keeps me volunteering are the people we get to spend time with. It’s also just a great place to be. Sometimes when I get stressed out, I just go and feed the horses and brush them and it breathes life into me.

What would someone be surprised to know about you?
I don’t like watching TV, not even sports.

Is there someone who inspires you?
Anyone who sets goals and moves towards achieving them.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Be true to yourself!

What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?
Spending more time with Shelagh and spending time on the ranch.

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